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Ibnu Sina

Software Developer

iOS App Developer, Frontend Developer

Pina Image
Pina Image

Pina Bakery

Personalized online shop with product listing and cart, to help user order product from a local bakery shop

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Built using React Native Expo, and Tailwind CSS

inflation indonesia
inflation japan

Inflation Calculator

Your best tool to create financial plan, by estimating price adjusted to inflation rate.

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Built using Flask, Docker, and Tailwind CSS

Quran Search Starting Page
Quran Search Search Result

Al-Quran Search

Fastest way to answer your curiousity about Al-quran. Search any topic you are curious about in fastest way, without any internet connection.

app store logo


Built using Swift and SwiftUI, using Realm as local database.

Bridestory App launch image
Bridestory App home

Bridestory Wedding App & Hilda

A must have application for brides-to-be. Bridestory Wedding App & Hilda was featured at AppStore in 2015. The app is helpful for a better planning realizing dream wedding. The app shows a vast library of wedding inspirations and vendors. The app also supports direct chat with Hilda, Bridestory professional wedding consultant.

app store logo


Bridestory Wedding App & Hilda is built using Swift and Objective-C, using Cocoapods and Git submodule as dependency manager.

Bridestory Pro launch image
Bridstory Pro home

Bridestory Pro for Vendors

Best companion for wedding business owner. Register and upload wedding project from mobile phone and get notified for incoming brides-to-be inquiries on realtime basis.

app store logo


Bridestory Pro fo Vendor is built using Objective-C, using Cocoapods and Git submodule as dependency manager.